Friday, July 11, 2014

Filled Under:

Semester 3 Switching Theory & Logic Design module 1


Download STLD notes (module 1).

What is included?
* Number systems.
* Decimal and binary number systems.
* Binary to decimal and decimal to binary conversions.
* Binary addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
* 1s and 2s compliments.
* Signed numbers - sign magnitude, 1s compliment and 2s compliment forms.
* Hexadecimal numbers.
* Binary to hexadecimal, hexadecimal to binary and hexadecimal to decimal conversions.
* Hexadecimal addition and subtraction.
* Octal to decimal, decimal to octal, octal to binary and binary to octal conversions.
* Decimal to BCD and BCD to decimal conversions.
* BCD addition.
* Grey code to binary and binary to grey code conversions.
* Decimal to excess-3 conversion.
* Self complimenting property.
* Logical operations.
* Laws and rules of Boolean algebra.
* De Morgan's theorems.
* Switching functions - Product of Sum and Sum of Product.
* Simplification of Boolean expression using Karnaugh map (K-map) and Quine Mc-Clusky methods.

What is not included?
* Floating point binary representation.
* Additional questions on Quine Mc-Clusky method.

Click --HERE-- to download.

File size: 1.21MB


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